Thursday, March 02, 2006
Snowy day
Yesterday we woke up to the sight of gusts of snow whirling outside the bedroom window. It was a beautiful sight but The way to work was freezing. My breathe kept getting caught in my throat and my fingers lost all feeling. I snapped a few photos during our walk.

The gate leading into the park by our house

Laura, that should bring back some memories of your last trip to Germany. Think: 2 A.M. a blur of dizziness and laughter.

The river by our flat.

The lake in front of Hogwarts

The thinker that greets visitors of the Kunsthalle (the art museum in our town)


Last night, Eric and I took a bunch of random personality tests together. Some of them were interesting. So I thought I'd share the links.

Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test

The first was the Global personality test, It's definitely worth taking and than having a friend or significant other fill it out as well. You'll find out the areas of your personality where you match, and where you don't.

Eric laughed at some of the questions "Do I want to freeze time?" "Am I supernatural?" "Am I FULL OF MYSELF??" what is this?"

Eric and I received identical scores in certain levels. Romantic (83%) Accomodation (76%) Hypersensitivity (63%) and Physical Fitness (76%). We were both high in Extraversion, adventurousness, sexuality, and Artistic.

Eric was significantly more anti-authority, more mystical, orderly, interdependent, and dominant

My lowest scores were in Change aversion, physical security, and orderliness.

In general I'm more emotional, Eric is more logical. We balance eachother.

Then we took the word association test, I discovered I apparently have issues with...

Take Word Association Test

Then I took a test to determine where we should move next...

I have issues with...
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Your personality type
You are social, moderately moody, unstructured, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: New Orleans, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Greensboro, Memphis, Providence, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Orlando, Salt Lake City, Portland/Salem, St. Louis and these international countries/regions England, Greece, Puerto Rico, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Turkey, Ireland, Ukraine, South Africa, Wales, Brazil, Switzerland, South Korea

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at

The color quiz was the most interesting. They tell you about your current life situation and emotional state based solely on the color blocks you choose and the order you choose them. You can take the test by clicking the image link.

Clarity's Existing Situation
Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security, and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems.

Clarity's Stress Sources
Is responsive to outside stimuli and wants to experience everything intensely, but is finding the existing situation extremely frustrating. Needs sympathetic understanding and a sense of security. Distressed by her apparently powerlessness to achieve her goals.

Clarity's Restrained Characteristics
Feels she is receiving less than her share, but that she will have to conform and make the best of her situation.

Conditions are such that she will not let herself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.

Clarity's Desired Objective
Capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Helpful, and willing to adapt herself if necessary to realize the bond of affection she desires. Needs the same consideration and understanding from others.

Clarity's Actual Problem
Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on her resources. A feeling of powerlessness subjects her to agitation and acute distress. Tries to escape from this by relinquishing the struggle, and by finding peaceful and restful conditions in which to recuperate in an atmosphere of affection and security.

Clarity's Actual Problem #2
Needs to protect herself against her tendency to be too trusting, She is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.

suprisingly accurate.

I have to log off and get dressed, We're going to a party in 45 minutes. It's not a party Im looking forward to, in fact... I'm dreading this. I'll explain why another time.
posted by Clarity25 at 12:20 PM |


At March 02, 2006, Blogger Kathleen 

Bloody hell, but that ColorQuiz was right on for you! From my perspective on the other side of the world and I liked the cities the other test chose for you. I might have to do that one. I'm thinking it's time to move away from my Mother again. ;-)

I did like the Word Association quiz at all. It says I have issues with women, mother, children, father and something else...

At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

Cool tests. I found out that I'm narcissistic. :/

The color test fit me perfectly. It's weird. Like Kathleen, I also hated the word association quiz. It made me nervous and I guess I have issues with EVERYTHING.

P.S. I love snowy days!

At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

The photo of the snowy steps is BEAUTIFUL.
You know, Clarity, I ALWAYS knew you had a problem with fame. Ha ha. As for that quiz that let you know where you should live, I'm thinking maybe you should skip New Orleans for now. I DID notice, however, that Providence was #3 on the list. Providence is cool...and just 30 minutes from here! If you ever wanted surf lessons, you would know who to contact.
When I have time later I'll take those quizzes.

At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

I love quizzes! great links.

At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

those pictures are great! i wish it would snow here! the word asssociation test was weird. it said i have issues with the things that took me the longest to answer. the only reason they took me so long was b/c i didn't care much one way of the other... it was pretty off.

but the color thing... yikes! you are right. VERY ACCURATE! i may steal that one for my blog!

At March 02, 2006, Blogger Stacia 

You take the most beautiful pictures. I love the way you see the world. I'm looking forward to taking those tests.

At March 03, 2006, Blogger Nightmare 

HOLY CRAP!! I don't have time to take all of those...besides they all say the same thing. My personality-abrasive. The end.

At March 03, 2006, Blogger Nightmare 

OH love the pics! you have a gentle eye. One made for details others wouyld miss. Cultivate that and paint from it.

At March 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

wtf? Hogwarts?

At March 06, 2006, Blogger Ryan 

Those pictures are so gorgeous. :)
