This morning Eric woke up congested, with a sore throat and a fever. He was sweating and moaning in bed. "I'm dying..", He whispered dramatically, looking over at me with wide eyes. I stroked his forehead and sat by his side.
I pulled out the box of cough & cold medicine and popped out two pills from the casing. "Okay..Take two of these", I said "I'm going to get some water"
"I don't need to take those chemicals into my body to mask my flu symptoms. I can handle it"
I sighed "Don't you want to feel better?", I asked opening his hand and putting the pills in his palms "Just take the meds"
"You're such a drug pusher", He said smiling and reluctantly taking them.
"Uh huh. Yep, that's me"
Now remember, this is coming from:
30 minutes later, Eric was our of bed, blasting Ray Charles and dancing around the livingroom.
"Honey..", I said approaching him cautiously "Maybe you should take it easy"
"I feel great!" He grabbed me, pulled me close and began dipping me around the room.
"riiight...but you still have a fever, It's just the pain medication kicking in. I think you should lie down"
He picked up his trombone and began playing. I sat on the sofa and watched him in amusement. I just shook my head.
It didn't take long before he was back on the sofa, coughing and blowing his nose again. Now I'm playing nurse. Making him lemon tea, Hot Gulash soup and purchasing supplies at the kiosk. I've been reading to him and we've been watching television together. I hope he feels better soon. I wish he didn't get my sickness. I was praying that he wouldn't but I guess it was inevitable. I hope his body fights it off a little bit better than mine did...

Seeing Eric so sick and vulnerable always causes a slight pang of fear to run through me. It's moments like this that It fully hits me how intensely I love him. If anything ever happened to him....