Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Our pug

Percy snores.

I miss you so much, last night I woke up and reached for you in the darkness. I fumbled with the sheets...and I felt so alone without you.
posted by Clarity25 at 11:17 AM |


At January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

My Everything,
It's like life almost completely stops, when you're not here. Everythings eternaly slow,I have no motivation to get up in the morning. I sit at work staring at a blank piece of paper for minutes at a time, then wake up unable to recall what I was thinking about or wether I was thinking at all. K's ramblings about ogame becomes just a muffled muddle of words. Then after an eternety its finally late enough. with little acomplished I make home , only one thought in my mind: calling you!!!! hearing your voice! Telling you my day! Having you make sense of my life again.
I love you so much. Life without you isn't much life at all.

At January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hey Clarity, I finally caught-up on my reading, gosh you've been through a lot. I'm glad you are feeling better and that you got all your stuff back. I'm also very happy you're doing this photo blog, I think you have talent, a very good eye as they say ;-) I'll be here often. Oh, and I love your dog, he makes me smile.
Take care!
PS. I think your husband is very much in love with you, and I feel like a peeping tom because I read his lovely comment... lucky lady!

At January 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

woah. that's quite some comment, eric. i think i might be in love with you too! haha

At January 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous 

we are all very jealous of your loving husband!
what sweet words!
(is that you on the very top of the page?)

At January 18, 2006, Blogger Nightmare 

Jesus there is some sweet stickiness laying around in this area!

Love the pics! That is why I started my blogspot account too, but then d-land hosed me and I left for good.

At January 19, 2006, Blogger Kathleen 

I'm with Steph - feel like I shouldn't be here because it's your and Eric's spot. (Not that it's stopped me from coming.) ;-)

And I think you're both pretty damn special!
