I just returned from my trip. 3 days in Las Vegas and 5 days in Arizona. It was an incredible experience.
But It was a sad flight home.
It was hard to say goodbye to my friend. Arizona is long way from New York.
I wish we had more time together...
I was sick during the flight. My ears were popping and my head was pounding. There was a lot of turbulance and thick grey clouds. The Fasten seatbelt sign was glowing red through the entire ride. I tried to sleep, but my head kept bumping against the window everytime the plane jolted.
I fell asleep in my husband's arms the minute I arrived back home.
I slept for 12 hours straight.
I really miss my friend. Why can't we live closer?
So much to write about and pictures to post from this trip. Unfortunately I'm incredibly sick at the moment. I need to climb back into bed.
Pictures coming soon.
I hope everyone had a good week.